Management Team

Elizabeth copper-silver prospect

This prospect lies in the area of the historic Elizabeth copper mine where a small amount of copper oxide ore was mined from a sandstone unit in contact with amphibolite. Detailed mapping of the area revealed extensive gossan formation along a NW-SE (130 degrees) trending shear zone for approximately 1 kilometre. Crossing north and overlying the prospect area is a plateau formed by a sequence of Permocarboniferous volcanics. The sequence comprises vesicular andesites and tuffs at the base and is capped by a thick rhyolite flow.
Two significant sub soil anomalies occur on this trend. First is an area extending SE from the old mine for ~ 700 metres with a width of over 300 metres. Second in the SE end of the shear zone is a 350 x 80 subsoil anomaly marked by high grade zinc values.

The presence of Permocarboniferous volcanics directly overlying this prospect area suggests the current surface may represent the very top of an epithermal system carrying base metals, gold and silver. These volcanics have been dated at ~438 Myr, similar to that of the Kidston volcanic pipe further east. Some 4 Moz of gold was produced from the Kidston mine.

Drilling and age dating of this mineralization is planned to determine the origin and thus potential of this mineralized system.